GTX 680 falls short?

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Feb 27, 2013
So I installed my a brand new EVGA GTX 680 2GB Signature SuperClocked, and started up Crysis 3. I maxed all my settings out and started playing. Well guess what? I started lagging. Mostly in the large areas where there is a lot going on, when im in the halls and rooms for the most part I have great fps. So I started messing with the advanced settings, but turning down shading, and AA didnt increase my fps much without taking from the quality of the game. So I turned down the "Texture resolution" from Very high to high and maxed all the other settings out with FXAA, and the frame rates went up quite a bit. But not as fast as I had hoped, and if I turn on MXAA or TXAA it gets really laggy.

i7-3770 @ 3.4 ghz
GTX 680
8GB ram (not gaming ram, its just some cheap ram)
Win 7 64
1 TB 7200 rpm.
Stock Dell 8500 motherboard.
Note: I just transferred my Dell 8500 motherboard, ram and cpu into a CM Storm Stryker case, with a new 700w CM PSU, and
of course the GTX 680 I just bought. My previous card was a GTX 650 Ti that I was using in my Dell because of the low power consumption.

My question: Is the GTX 680 just not powerful enough play crysis 3 at max? Or is my processor/ram/motherboard bottlenecking my system?

Any help or advice would be awesome. If this card wont max out Crysis 3 I think im going to return it, because games are just going to get more graphic intense in the months to come. I bought this hoping to be future proof for the next year or two.

Crysis 3 is more of a benchmark than a game, games like it only come along once in a blue moon, returning a card because it cant play one game at ultra is pretty stupid. What did you plan on buying after returning it? You'd need another 680 to play it well.

Nothing is future proof, but just because your card cant handle Crysis 3 at ultra doesn't mean...

Crysis 3 is more of a benchmark than a game, games like it only come along once in a blue moon, returning a card because it cant play one game at ultra is pretty stupid. What did you plan on buying after returning it? You'd need another 680 to play it well.

Nothing is future proof, but just because your card cant handle Crysis 3 at ultra doesn't mean that its outdated and totally useless, the ultra preset in the game is designed for multiple GPU setups and future systems.
I see, I see. I just spent quite a bit of money on it, and was a bit disappointed. Multi-player lags a lot less.

There is a VERY VERY big difference between this and my old GTX 650 Ti, I had to put everything on low low low before to play.

I dont think I will return it, giving what you said. But do you think a better processor or faster ram would help with frame rates?


I know right? I plan on getting a new motherboard and cpu soon, and I hope it will increase my fps.

PS, do you think overclocking the 680 would do me any good?
The idea that a stock i7 (any 3rd gen i7) is holding you back in a significant way is ridiculous. It may be a bottleneck, though I doubt it, considering you have every setting on its highest value, the GPU is being hit much harder, and has a biggest effect on performance. I agree that Crysis 3's highest settings are meant for multi-GPU systems.

Personally, I'd ignore what dish_moose said. Your computer is balanced. Don't think that not OCing is some taboo thing. I very much like my warranties, and don't plan to OC until those safety nets are expired.

If you are dead set on OCing, you CAN OC a non-k series chip by about 400MHz. If you do that, and notice little to no difference, then it wasn't a bottleneck to begin with. I don't think you should waste your time, however. It is pretty obvious the GPU is the bottleneck.

Returning the GTx680 is a waste of time, it is a great card, and very capable. I'm glad you said you won't return it.

You can try using faster RAM, though, again, it probably don't be a huge difference.

I hope you can appreciate Crysis 3 for what it is, a monster designed with the intention of bringing capable machines to their knees.
Crysis 3 is very demanding much like Crysis 1 was for a long time. Its takes a little more dough spent on hardware to push this game to max even more than a single 680. Games like this are few and far between. Most are obvious ports. Might want to invest in a second 680 is you want to game at maximum settings. Next week Metro Last Light is coming out and will also be a system killer it seems.
Thank you all so much, this is my first Tom's post and i'm very impressed with the community!

Very helpful!

PS: How would I go about overclocking my GTX 680? I just installed Precision X, but the card I have now says its "SuperClocked" so will that mean I cant overclock it anymore? I really dont want to ruin my card in any way, and I have not overclocked a GPU before.
Dude, don't worry. I've got 2 680s, and I don't expect Crysis 3 to run all that well on Ultra. The game is used as a graphics benchmark more than for optimization or best graphics for performance. If you wanna test out the card, I would suggest BF3 on Ultra. It probably has the best graphics for the performance out there. Very optimized for PC.
Just keep upping the core and memory speeds until you see artifacts (flashes or spots on the screen) or the game your running crashes, then back off a bit. After that its best to leave it for a few hours looping a benchmark run to see if its stable.

Its easy to do since the 680 adjusts voltage by itself, so you cant wreck your card.

Thanks so much, I went ahead and gave 105% power, +23mhz and +10mhz on the mem. HUGE improvement!
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