GTX 690 4GB or GTX 970 4GB?


More or less.

Gtx 970. It runs cooler, consumes less power and better bang for the buck.

Gtx690 is basically a sli gtx 680. It's a dual gpu card. So it is a stronger card , but SLI-ing 970 will be better down the road.

so basically, if there is ever gonna be a GTX 990, my GTX 970 SLi will be like it?

More or less.

i have the gtx 690 which gets better benchmarks then the 980 even. if you dont mind the extra power consumption, gtx 690 would be better and you can find it for a good price on ebay these days.

One thing to be aware of is that the 4GB of memory on a 690 is actually 2 for each card because of the SLI setup. In games you're only going to have that 2 GB which can get a little tight in 1440p. If you're only playing in 1080p you shouldn't have any problems, but anything above that and 2 gigs is getting a little tight. Something to consider.
i would say get the 970, its a tad cheaper and does not perform as good but it will max out any game at 1080p and you have 3.5/4gb vram compared to the 2gb you get with the 690, so if you want to play at higher resolutions your vram will bottleneck your card in certain conditions and plus you can always throw in another 970 later down the road to help boost your gpu power at high resolutions. at 1080p it does not really matter since they will both max out every game
surely they have made it so you do use all 4gb of the 690... wtf is the point in making a dual GPU card if the microstutter and non shared VRAM still exist... the only thing i can thing of is if u had a mobo from the 1980's with 1 PCIE slot only...

they dont stack, its like having two 2gb cards in sli, its still 2gb vram. same thing here

And now with windows 10 and directx12 the 4gb will work?


unlikely. it would be wise to purchase a newer single card anyways, im surprised theres even still a ongoing discussion on this.

I dont understand why the hell did 690 says 4gb if are not 4gb..

marketing, its two 2gb cards and whats worse is people think its a total 4gb's that they can use.