GTX 690 or GTX Titan?


Sep 22, 2007
I currently own an EVGA GTX 690 and I do enjoy it. I have it currently overclocked a decent amount and it has been performing well. The only thing that annoys me "sometimes", is the microstuttering and some incompatibilities with some games with SLi. The Titan is a bit slower then the GTX 690 and costs around the same. Would it be a good idea to replace it with a Titan? Maybe waiting for an aftermarket factory overclock version? What do you guys suggest? I currently game at 1920x1080.
Check the article written yesterday on the home page. It really goes into depth as to which card to get with different setups.

However, if you are gaming at 1080 a GTX680 or a 7970 will be more than enough.

If you absolutely do not want to go SLI (due to the limitations you mentioned) the Titan is the best single card out there. Hands down. But again, for 1080 it is overkill
I would not normally suggest a switch to titan. Particularly at 1080P on a single monitor.

But, in your case, you seem to have some issue in your games with microstuttering and dual gpu incompatibility.

You might want to trade off raw FPS performance for eliminating those issues with a titan.
I think EVGA will introduce some factory overclocked versions of titan. I would wait for one of those.
I think the base version of titan is overpriced, so I expect only a small price premium for a superclocked version.

Since money seems to not be a great issue, go ahead and buy a titan, and compare to the GTX690. Then market the one you like least.



Nov 14, 2006
There's no doubting the Titan has outrageous performance for a single GPU and full credit to NVIDIA for producing such a card ( I wonder if this is why ATi has delayed the 8000 series for another 12 months)? However I'd delay for a few months if possible as I think the prices will drop fairly quickly as not many people can afford such a card :)

Are the 700m cards based on new technology? Both AMD and Nvidia are always cheating on their naming schemes when it comes to mobile GPU's.

Both the 8xxx and 7xx mobile parts are renamed/rebadged 7xxx and 6xx parts respectively, move along nothing new to see here folks.


Feb 27, 2013
If money ain't an issue go with the titan, amazing card. Overclock it and the performance gap between it and the GTX 690 will close to some extent, its also pretty futureproof because when it stops playing games maxed over 60fps (which will be a long time), you got the option of SLi with it, and by then I imagine the price's would have dropped quite a lot.