GTX 690 vs. TITAN info


Aug 11, 2012
Hey everyone! I am looking to buy a a graphics card but not sure what to go with! Let me give you a bit of info about what bothers me in graphics cards. First off I had a gtx 680 and got lots of micro stuttering I can't stand that. I'm also looking for a card that will give me a good fps, I want smooth gameplay. I would also like to run games on ultra without any issues. I will be running one of those cards on a 23.6 inch screen 120hz at 1920x1080. Thank you in advance

I honestly don't know. I have 680...
There is a zillion benchmarks out there that compare the titan with everything else and microstutter is usually only a problem with sli/crossfire cards, not a single card like a 680. That may have been a motherboard issue or something else that should be addressed. If you can't get a 680 to run to without microstutter, something in your system might do the same thing to a titan and a 690.
Technically, a single card can't get microstutter, though they can stutter. A 680 has been shown in reviews to be very good compared to pretty much any card in regards to stutter. Is it possible something else in your system was causing a stutter? Or was the issue with a particular game? That said, all PC systems will get occasional stutters in game, was the stuttering something that happen in a limited fashion, or all the time?

If you felt the 680 stuttered, and it was running properly, that means everything will feel like it stutters, though a Titan might feel a little better, as stutters are less noticeable at higher FPS, and the Titan is the fastest single GPU. In SLI, stutters happen more than on a single card.

Btw, what FPS were you getting, what resolution do you play at, and what is your CPU and RAM?

I have just built a new computer recently. And I did love the 680, but I think it's a great card, but I want an upgrade. My resolution in 1920x1080p ram 16 gb CPU 3770k. Which card should I choose?

Also screen is 120 hz
Well, if you want to best upgrade to achieve 120 FPS, or close to it, a 2nd 680 would get you there. The higher FPS on SLI generally gets you a better, smoother experience, than a single card. A Titan would avoid any SLI downfalls, but it is also a fair bit slower.

True. I'm not looking to get 120 fps. I hate how company's can't get there act together, your spending like almost 1000 dollars on a Titan or 900 on 2x 680, and there's downfalls with sli and all this stuff. It just blows my mind. But overall what do you think would be the best choice if I want to be able to play games on ultra settings and all future games, not have stuttering issues and I want to achieve a good frame rate!

I honestly don't know. I have 680 SLI, and it is great, but I've heard people with Titan's who are just as happy. You could consider waiting a couple weeks to see what the 780 or Titan LE is like. If it were me, and I already had a single 680, I'd just get a 2nd one and be happy, but if you were really picky about stuttering, you still may be happier with the Titan.

The SLI issues are not really a fault of Nvidia. They really have tried hard to make it work well, and it does for the most part, but having two pieces of hardware work together in a time sensitive manner is not an easy task. They've definitely done better at it than AMD had.

3770K, 16GB of RAM, GTX 680......And you want an upgrade???
Did you overclock your CPU? What are the speeds and times of your RAM. Are you sure you don't have any custom profile enabled that is holding your CPU and/or Video Card back?


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