gtx 750 ti vs gtx 960 @ 1600x900


Feb 21, 2013
which card is ideal (not better, 960 for sure is the answer) for 1600x900 resolution?

will i be wasting gtx 960 on a 900p monitor or not?

Should i go for a 750 ti to save money for a better alternative upgrade in the future?

Budget is a minor issue. i mean, who doesnt like to save money.

I want to max out arkham origins, skyrim, nba 2k15, battlefield 4, crysis 3, shadow of mordor, etc (all else in that level) @ that resolution.
usman, I had the same issua as the original poster and from what I've read I think upgrading from a 750 ti to a 960 might not be such a good idea as the 960 ti is coming out soon and you could probably wait as you already have a card

probably there won't be any 960Ti? there are rumors but so far there is no credible rumor that can point to 960Ti existence.