GTx 750ti + Intel celeron g1620? Will this work?


Nov 4, 2016
I'm not sure if my title made sense. alright so before i start here are my specs:
Motherboard: H61M-P31/W8
Processor: Intel Celeron G1620 2.70 Ghz
RAM: 2096mb
Directx Version: Directx 12

I'm about to buy Palit GTx 750ti tomorrow and i'm afraid my processor would bottleneck its performance. I don't know if its gonna mix well. I can't buy a processor upgrade as im on a tight budget right now. Should I buy this one or should I just buy the gt 730 (or cheaper card with good performance) so I can afford to get an 8gb ram. Please tell me your thoughts

(I'm planning to play games like far cry 4, CoD, infinite warfare/advanced warfare, Fallout 4, GTA V, pretty much these types of games and etc.)

Playable and in medium graphics is fine with me. not too low and not too high settings. Professional help will be much appreciated. thank you very much
While it may bottleneck price is a big factor. For a cheap video card its not big issue. I suggest the 750ti as its almost 3 times faster than the 730.

I would suggest the 1050 over both unless you got a very good price on the 750ti.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 1050 2GB Video Card ($109.99 @ B&H)
Total: $109.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-11-04 13:56 EDT-0400

My RAM is 4gb with 2gb on each slot. sorry for not clearing this up, but would this 4gb of ram make any difference? thanks


If i get a GTX 1050, would it affect my cpu in any way? because from what i've heard my processor is too weak too handle it. and also the price of GTx 750ti here is around $109 which is 5200 pesos in my country (im from philippines) I can't find any GTx 1050 in my area. seems like it doesn't exist in my province yet

I'm on a limited budget. my only option is to buy gtx 750ti or buy a cheaper graphics card so that i can upgrade RAM with me being able to play the games that I like inside of this really tight budget. sorry for my bad english.
Yeah, that CPU is going to have some issues with more powerful cards. I can't believe Intel is still making those "crippled chips". Based on what works with your motherboard (, I'd consider getting an i5-3550 or even an i7-3770 if possible.

This pc has been with me since 2013. lol. buying a new processor is not an option right now but Can i instead buy GTx 650 and buy 8gb of RAM. would that decrease the problem and still let me play GTA V and games of that sort?
(i don't know what happened but the only reply that came out was the first sentence so I had to Edit)

This pc has been with me since 2013. lol. buying a new processor is not an option right now but Can i instead buy GTx 650 and buy 8gb of RAM. would that decrease the problem and still let me play GTA V and games of that sort?
(i don't know what happened but the only reply that came out was the first sentence so I had to Edit)


The 1050 will not effect the CPU. Its just a bottleneck means the videocard will be held back by the CPU. The good thing is its a more up to date card to carry over to a future CPU upgrade. The 1050 power draw is the same as the 750ti so no issue.

the 1050 is not yet available on my area and can't find any in philippines so maybe I'll just stick with 750ti for now.

so let's say my specs would be:
CPU: Intel Celeron G1620
Memory: 4096 RAM
GPU: GTx 750ti
Will I be able to play good games now? I am okay with just medium graphics but I'm not okay with lag. would this suffice? Thanks