I have this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188074 motherboard
EVGA 141-BL-E757-RX which has some PCI 2.0 x16 slots. I'm looking at upgrading from my GTX570 card found here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127582
Mainly because 1280 MB of RAM, I'm told is the bottleneck when I try to play modded Skyrim and also because it would be nice to catch back up with the consoles and maybe the 50 extra bucks will be worth it to stay caught up for a while.
I'm considering GTX 760 cards, I've read that will max out the bandwidth of the slot its in. What I'm wondering is, will I notice a difference in performance between 2GB and 4GB GDDR5 on a GTX 760 on a PCI express 2.0 slot?
I do plan on upgrading my motherboard and CPU at a later time but the CPU is a core i7-950 Bloomfield (I wouldn't bother upgrading it at all but the CPU uses an LGA1366 slot so I figure I'll have to upgrade the CPU when I upgrade the mobo). I figure I can put that off for a while.
So basically, 2GB vs 4GB GDDR5? (keeping in mind that I'll upgrade my mobo and possibly processor in the next year)
P.S. I figure the answer is no but just in case, should I bother overclocking this card while its in a pci e 2.0 x16 slot?
EVGA 141-BL-E757-RX which has some PCI 2.0 x16 slots. I'm looking at upgrading from my GTX570 card found here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127582
Mainly because 1280 MB of RAM, I'm told is the bottleneck when I try to play modded Skyrim and also because it would be nice to catch back up with the consoles and maybe the 50 extra bucks will be worth it to stay caught up for a while.
I'm considering GTX 760 cards, I've read that will max out the bandwidth of the slot its in. What I'm wondering is, will I notice a difference in performance between 2GB and 4GB GDDR5 on a GTX 760 on a PCI express 2.0 slot?
I do plan on upgrading my motherboard and CPU at a later time but the CPU is a core i7-950 Bloomfield (I wouldn't bother upgrading it at all but the CPU uses an LGA1366 slot so I figure I'll have to upgrade the CPU when I upgrade the mobo). I figure I can put that off for a while.
So basically, 2GB vs 4GB GDDR5? (keeping in mind that I'll upgrade my mobo and possibly processor in the next year)
P.S. I figure the answer is no but just in case, should I bother overclocking this card while its in a pci e 2.0 x16 slot?