GTX 760 -> 6pin splitter use ????


Nov 8, 2013
Hey guys,
I have a gtx 760 that i would like to put in my HP Z600 workstation. The thing is that the psu only has one 6pin cable to power graphic cards and that my 760 needs 2. I ordered a cable that splits the 6pin from the psu into 2x 6pin to power both 6pin plugs on the graphic card. I’m wondering if it is safe to use or not ? The card needs 170watts and will receive only 150 that way...
Also, if it can help, my psu is an hp-made 650 watts 80+ bronze
Thanks in advance and sorry for my not perfect english!
Ok thanks but what would be the risk of doing so ? Cause idont really want to spend like 200€ on a 960 that requires only one 6pin... And will it really be a problem because it only exceeds the given power by 20watts?