Gtx 760 bottle-necked?

Stephen Crocetti

Dec 14, 2013
I have just upgraded to the gtx 760 and when i play Dayz my frames are exactly the same on lowest ass they are maxed, also i saw that i am only using 50% gpu. i have an FX 8120 8 core

Well that s not good,something make;s in ur way ,let see ,ok go first = if win 7 same in 8 ,go start=copntrol panel=hardware and sound=power options=show additional power options= mark the High Performance,and go change plan settings and put those on Never turn off the monitor and the Pc to sleep ,ok step 2,desctop=right-click mouse Nvidia Contol panel=adjust image settings=mark Use the advanced 3d image settings=hit apply on bottom=after go= menage 3d settings=go global settings-go power menagment mode-put it from adatpive to - preffer maximum performance - hit apply-then go threaded optimization=from Auto turn it on On - hit apply

it was a 6670.. yeah quite a big upgrade

so am i bottlenecked or?
Heads up on DayZ, the game isn't really optimized at all yet. In Arma 3 I'm pumping out 55-60+ frames with a mix of things on high/etc, but only around 40-45 in DayZ with a mix of lower/normal settings with the rig in my sig (OC'd CPU/GPU). I'm not sure on your GPU usage, since mine jumps to full speed (watching through EVGA Precision X) and have never had that issue, but guys who are running 780's have issues getting good frames in DayZ as well.

Have you tried others games for comparison? DayZ is not a good benchmark as it stands.

im playing dayz mod btw

and in battlefeild bad company 2 i get like 150fps but that dosnt really use any cpu so..

Ok, that's good to know. My experience is with the Standalone, not the mod. Hopefully someone with mod experience will come around!

Well that s not good,something make;s in ur way ,let see ,ok go first = if win 7 same in 8 ,go start=copntrol panel=hardware and sound=power options=show additional power options= mark the High Performance,and go change plan settings and put those on Never turn off the monitor and the Pc to sleep ,ok step 2,desctop=right-click mouse Nvidia Contol panel=adjust image settings=mark Use the advanced 3d image settings=hit apply on bottom=after go= menage 3d settings=go global settings-go power menagment mode-put it from adatpive to - preffer maximum performance - hit apply-then go threaded optimization=from Auto turn it on On - hit apply
check latest drives,check power cabling good...try download EVGA precision to manualy see and optimized ur graphic ,for example GPU speed fans speeds GPU clock..

there is alink just register so it can give u the Download link nothing big.1 ..try boost he card a bit for 5 % from everything with EVGA precision and see if that works and gives u performance in FPS ,if that works defenitly is somewhere else the problem....try this thins 100 % no worries i have same on my GTX 660 -OC


already did all of that besides the threading. the card itselft works well (150fps in battlefeild bc2) but in cpu intensive applications.. like dayz i lag

have you tryed to see in any other game how will ur frame rate goes besides the BFBC2 maybe BF3 it is good choice there a torrents downloads ,the best way to see in BF3 or BF4 ofcorse ,just to see how the CPUand GPU will hendle bigger games that takes more of GPU and u r CPU try that instead,,

have u see everything in Dayz like settings LOW-Med-HIGH -etc..servers-pings and things like that ,,,,,,thats what i say to try better game Bf3 is enough ,so that way when u set to High -end settings ur cpu and gpu will get more load and u ll see how they hendle the games..i can tell u example i play Bf4 and i set to low i have 20 FPS , i set it to high everything is normal good fps no lags and nothing pefect same in BF3 set to low same 20 -15 fps set to ultra locked to 60 + so what u thing about that..hah....see...maybe some games just dont go with some settings because ur RIG is et for HIgh end gaming...dunno just try other see any diferences....

so the CPU is bottlenecking me?


okay ive got $50 so should i

A) water cool then overlcock (simple watercolling is like 50 right?)

B) buy this , and will that work in this mobo?

EDIT: upon further inspection, my cpu usage is only like 30% when playing so that cant be the bottleneck right?

You don't necessarily need watercooling. A good air cooler like a NH-D14 should do - water cooling can have problems.

Avoid the B option, it's weaker than what you have now.

upon further inspection, my cpu usage is only like 30% when playing so that cant be the bottleneck right?

and i plan to watercool my cpu and gpu in the future anyway so that would just be getting a jump start

The game only uses a few of your CPUs cores, so the overall usage won't be high. I recommend looking at the usage of each individual core, which you can also see in task manager. If they're reaching 100% (and you'll see which ones are in use) then you have a bottleneck.


None of them are at 90 and as you can see the gpu is at 42

I thought you said you were playing the DayZ mod, not the DayZ standalone... No-one gets good FPS in the standalone since the game is still in Alpha, it's very poorly optimised. At least, that looks like the standalone.

Nor were you running it in fullscreen.

Fullscreen is the same FPS
and i normally play mod but i just kinda opened standalone.. i will post pic of mod
i cant find a way to moniter cpu in fullscreen anyway