GTX 760/Computer Problems


Aug 15, 2013
Ever since I installed my GTX 760, my computer has been shutting down by random it seems. The only time I've been able to replicate it shutting down is when I run a really demanding game like Planetside 2, or Splinter Cell Black List. The other time i was able to replicate it was when I was doing the windows computer test where it gives you a rating for your computer. Imagine just ripping out the power cord from your computer, that's what it's like. I already checked for virus, overheating, everything is all fine. Help?

600 watt psu
Gigabyte GTX 760 4 GB
AMD Phenom II x4 965 ~ 3.4 ghz
1600x900 monitor
8 gb ram
For a system using a single GeForce GTX 760 graphics card NVIDIA specifies a minimum of a 500 Watt or greater system power supply that has a maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current rating of 30 Amps or greater and that has at least two 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connectors.

Total Power Supply Wattage is NOT the crucial factor in power supply selection!!! Sufficient Total Combined Continuous Power/Current Available on the +12V Rail(s) rated at 45°C - 50°C ambient temperature, is the most critical factor.

Overclocking of the CPU and/or GPU(s) may require an additional increase to the maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current ratings, recommended above, to meet the increase in power required for the overclock. The additional amount required will depend on the magnitude of the overclock being attempted.

Saying that you have a 600 Watt PSU is meaningless. You need to specify the PSU's brand and model number.
Well, it's a good thing I'm friends with the computer repair guy that replaced my old PSU, I'll ask him to test out one of his own good ones he has. Thanks for the advice, and I really can't believe that I got ripped off? like that. I mean, 600 watt $20 PSU...that's just ew. Thanks again!
That Kentek 600W PSU only has a maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current rating of 22 Amps which is significantly less than the 30 Amps that NVIDIA specifies as the recommended minimum. No wonder you're experiencing spontaneous shut down problems.
Ok, but a question for you personally. Which website do YOU personally order components from? Preferable, which has the fastest shipping around you? Could you specify where you're located too, that will help my decision. Because while NCIX DOES offer very nice prices, their shipping is actually slower than watching grass grow. Thanks in advance.

Hey, is this one sufficient for my GPU/System?
Funny story here. My old system has an i7-920 and a GTX 260. Bit of a pig for the performance it offers by today's standards but decent at the time. I estimated a 550W power supply for the system using Newegg's calculator and I always like to buy at least 10% over so I located a reasonably inexpensive 680W. Was having random shutdowns and restarts all the time. No blue screen, no errors. Couldn't isolate it. Once day I'm playing WOW and I monitor the 12V rail using Speedfan and it's dropping as low as 10.6V. Raised an eyebrow. :yikes:

Next day, leave the computer going during an afternoon with a stress test running, I come back downstairs, totally dead. No drama, just shut off and died. Bought a quality Corsair unit and never had a problem afterwards. Also noticed that my games ran much smoother afterwards. If you buy a quality PSU, it will reward you with consistency and long life.

Wow, nice dude!

Could you recommend another good quality PSU? I'm planning on getting one tomorrow, and I saw that the one that I previously suggested had reviews that said it died in x amount of months.

I was preferably looking for a modular or semi-modular one with a 6 pin and 8 pin PCI ports, with around 500-600 watts.

Thanks again!