GTX 760 - EVGA vs MSI


Jul 6, 2010
I'm going to buy an nVidia GTX 760. Which brand is good? EVGA or MSI? please don't suggest other brands.. only the better one of these two brands.
Thanks :)

Wow 3 years on an MSI card that fabulous, you won't be dissapointed with that card trust me unless its DOA

Maybe try MSI, I bought a EVGA 760 SC and i'm finding it very loud, and runs at 80c on load most the time on load.
MSI N760 Hawk is said to be best the best of the 760s

~Awesome Cooling
~Highest Clock
~Fabulous at Overclocking

The MSI GTX 760 /w Twin Frozr II is a down-graded version of the hawk

~Awesome Cooling
~Great Clock
~Good at OCing

The only advantage the EVGA GTX 760 has is warranty which I'm told is a better bargain

MSI GTX 760 Twin Frozr is the same Price as the EVGA GTX 760 with 4x the features

I myself am getting a N760 Hawk

The R9 280X is roughly 13% better in performance but it's $309(MSI)

MSI N760 Hawk:

MSI N760 TF:

EVGA SC w/ ACX Cooler:

MSI R9 280X:

Generally speaking MSI will run cooler and quieter, while not being able to clock as fast (usually just comes down to luck when you buy the card anyways). While EVGA has a better warranty, and has been known to clock slightly faster (again, luck of the chips).

you're a bit wrong, the MSI N760 Hawk has 2 Bios the 2nd one being known as the LN2 bios which increases the voltage limit, so it'll be able to clock beyond the normal voltage limitations you encounter
Thank you guys. In my country, one shop sells MSI card with 3 year warranty.. They don't sell EVGA cards.. But there is another shop who sells EVGA cards.. But the give only 1 year warranty.. So, I'm confused.. I think getting MSI is good.. (3 year warranty)

Wow 3 years on an MSI card that fabulous, you won't be dissapointed with that card trust me unless its DOA

i have the twin forzor msi 760 and its awesome and silent