GTX 760 losing drivers regularly


Sep 11, 2013

Many times when I start my computer I notice some sluggishness in the display an I check the device manager I see that the driver for my GPU is not recognized.
nVidia Experience is not launched too. And when I launch it tells me there's a new update.
So I wonder if this is something that nVidia Experience does itself, or I should be looking for another problem in my system.

Thank you
Lost the drivers again after I used Costum > Clean Install. I don't have any options at install time to warm me about the updates, etc.


Oh and apparently (second time I do Custom) with clean install the driver is not installed right away on the first reboot. I need to run nVidia Experience again and after that time it works.
And it's not even a today's version... 31/05 against 04/06
Since I keep havin issues here's a quick fix for anyone facing this too. At this point I would probably be better of with a clean window installation as this is no permanent fix, but it's better than the sucession of clean installs to no avail of having the driver working and nVidia Experience launched at startup.

Control Panel, System and Security, System, Device Manager.

Uninstall the driver

Then looks like this

In the unpacked nVidia installer go to: C:\NVIDIA\DisplayDriver\353.06\Win8_WinVista_Win7_64\International\Display.Driver and run NvCplSetupInt.exe. The driver is being installed in the background, which you can see if you click on the tray Icon.

You'll be asked to restart

And then when you restart, nVidia Experience is running and the video card is recognized.
Ran Malwarebites and Dr.WebCureit. Nothing found other than DesktopLayer.exe, by Malwarebytes.

Found this link:

But can't find the option in my BIOS. I guess since it mentions Vista, might be old options my Mobo doesn't have now or I'm just being a goof to find it. Or since my card is not being reconized at all... doesn't show up. I got a 1300€ computer without a properly working GPU [facepalm]