GTX 760 major fps problems


May 9, 2014
Hello all,

I recently bought an asus gtx 760 graphics card but instead of my fps getting better it got worse.
For example:

Torchlight 2 easy 100 to 200 fps *differs alot in batle* now 40-45 fps when runing around in battle around 20

Guild Wars 2 never was that high around 50 or 60 fps but steady, now 20 to 30.

Also it doesnt matter if i put the settings high or low my fps stays exactly the same.:??:

My system specs are:
AMD Athlon 2 x4 620 processor 2.60GHz
4 GB of ram
Asus Gtx 760 *2GB ram*

I'm really hoping you guys can help me out, thx in advance
hmm i've searched alot of forums about this issue and some of them got it to work with the same cpu as me.
Though alot of people seem to think it's cpu to, im really hoping there is an alternate solution for this.

don't think it's my psu though *i hope im right about what psu is haha don't know much about this.* but it need 500watt and i have 600 :)

Also im wondering why my fps dropped so much in games i played before, cause even if my cpu is to weak shouldnt my fps in those games atleast stay the same?
Everyone thx alot for the answers, i couldnt overclock my cpu cause my mobo wouldn't let me.
also tried different programs nothing worked.

I ended up going to the computer store near here and they told me there was nothing i could do without spending more money.
Also that my mobo is to old for an cpu upgrade.

So i bought a new motherboard with cpu and ram wich comes in monday :)

My new specs will be as follows:
Intel Core i5 processor 3.1GHz - 4 cores
8 GB of ram
Asus Gtx 760 *2GB ram*

and for my motherboard: MSI B75A - G43

as far as i know this should work fine 😀