GTX 760 or GTX 770?


Jul 10, 2013
I am building a budget gaming PC build and i want to know is the GTX 770 a big difference from the GTX 760. The difference in price is almost 200 dollars so i want to save money where i can. I dont plan to have SLI or crossfire, i want to at least play games like crysis 3 or skyrim on high (not ultra) with 50-60 FPS.

I went on and the 770 rated as a 3 and the 760 rated as a 9. (the lower the better)

GTX 760:

GTX 770:
The GTX 760 is a great card. It performs similar to (albeit a bit lower than) a GTX 670, and at 1080p it will most definitely do that which you ask of it.
However, since you plan to never SLI, I would get the highest-level card that you can in order to plan for the future, since it doesn't seem that you want to buy a second GPU at any point in the future.

At 1080p, a single GTX 770 will beast; up to/above 60 FPS running everything on Ultra, as well as perhaps 2x AA.
Also, it will allow for future-proofing, as it will mean that you can play games on the same computer with the same parts for even longer.
Since you don't plan on SLI in the future, Id say get the 770 for the best 1080p performance now. I personally just built a new computer with SLI 760's and its performance to cost ratio is amazing. Realistically though you only need to get a single 760 and if you did and your motherboard supports it you could upgrade to SLI in the future.

In case you havent seen reviews, 760's in SLI get higher performance than a single titan.

Yes. The Titan will still outperform them in multi-monitor, etc., but for half the price, you really couldn't do any better. SLI 760s is one of the best choices on the market ATM.
BTW, how are the drivers? I plan on SLIing 770s soon, and haven't heard entirely positive things.