GTX 760 or GTX 770?


Jul 13, 2013
I currently have a radeon 6450 and am going into gaming. I am deciding between two graphics cards, gtx 760 2gb or 770 2gb. Please don't tell me the 770 is better without reasoning and just saying it's new or more expensive. Please tell me about of much faster it is, and if it is worth the extra 70$. I might sli in the future if my current graphics card is not powerful enough. I want to play at FULL 1080p since i have a 1080p monitor. Which card do you recommend?

Thanks in advance,

Both the 760 and 770 are built for 1080p gaming with the exception of the 770 entering the 2k resolution era. None the less a quick looks at several benchmarks shows the 770 Dominates by 20-30fps and witht eh price decrease to $329 you'd be stupid to get a 760 when you got the money for a 770.

760 Vs. 770

Cores: 1152 vs 1536
Memory Clock: 6Ghz vs 7Ghz

take a look here:
take a close look at the difference part of the page

conclusion the 770 takes the crown and for a 770 I'd suggest the MSI N770 Lightning.

Take notice of its power consumption and size, make sure it fit in your case and can be powered effeciently by your PSU
The 770 is better in many ways, one is that it has more memory bandwidth. It will essentially run faster then the 760, second, texel rate, anisotropic filtering will be 42% better with the 770. And third is pixel rate, the 770 will be able to perform better in high resolutions. All that for an extra $70 is worth it. Hope this helps!

Which model of the gtx 770 do you recommend?

what's the difference between and yours?

First of all the MSI N770 Lightning has the highest clocks of any US available GTX 770, the other two are the ino3d GTX 770 and Galaxy GTX 770 HOF Edition which are mostly found in the UK. however the Galaxy GTX 770 HOF Edition can be found at however it's pretty overpriced.

Anyway the MSI N770 Lightning has higher memory and core clocks than the MSI Gaming N770 TF. Also the MSI N770 Lightning has the superior cooling of all the GTX 770 except the two I mentioned before. The MSI Gaming N770 TF is a great aftermarket GTX 770 however the Gigabyte Windforce 3X is just as good if not better or the EVGA variant. DO NOT get the ASUS Direct CU ii GTX 770, yes it is very quiet and yes it is good at cooling however ONLY when idle. ASUS seemed to have sacrifice cooling for noise and so the card performs terribly when under load however it remains quiet, just only 6C cooler then the reference GTX 770 when under load.