GTX 760 Shutdown Problem


Jul 30, 2017
I am having sudden shutdown problems for 3 months and I think that it is because of my PSU or GPU. There is no problem when my computer is at idle or i am browersing but when I started to play a game,it shutdowns after 15-20 minutes. The time that lasts before the shutdown is not same in every game,the graphic quality of the game makes my pc shutdown later or earlier. For example it takes 5 minutes to shutdown in a game like Skyrim or GTA 5 etc. I don't think that there is a temperature problem For one month,i am using my processor's graphic card and there is no problem,i can play csgo with low fps.My graphic card or psu might be faulty.I will be glad to hear your advices and solutions.
My specs:
-Intel i5 4570 3.20 GHz
-GeForce GTX 760
-Cooler Master G750M 750W (PSU)
-Z87-A Motherboard

Well its a 750watt power supply, it has more than enough power for that system. If the power supply is causing this then it is malfunctioning. No way I can say for sure without testing the system with a different power supply or GPU. I would say its more than likely the power supply, I cant think of a situation besides thermals where the gpu would cause the system to shutdown. - These are the temperatures of components when the pc is idle. -These are the temperatures of components after 15 minutes of CSGO gameplay.
After 15 minutes of gameplay,my pc has shutdown and there wasn't any fps drop while i was playing so i don't really think that it is a temperature problem but i am waiting for your advices and opinions.
As I said,I plugged my monitor to my processor's graphic card.I found out that my Intel Card works completely fine.I think that my PSU is not able to give the enough power to my Nvdia Card but it can give the enough power to Intel Card.Do you think that this can be possible or do you think that GPU is the real problem.Can I understand without trying ?

Well its a 750watt power supply, it has more than enough power for that system. If the power supply is causing this then it is malfunctioning. No way I can say for sure without testing the system with a different power supply or GPU. I would say its more than likely the power supply, I cant think of a situation besides thermals where the gpu would cause the system to shutdown.