I'm currently in the process of building my first computer and I've finally settled on my GPU. I think I'm going to get this GTX 760: Newegg.
It should be able to handle most current games on High/Ultra, and that's what I'm looking for. I think two 760s in SLI would give better value than a 780 or a Titan, but I don't want to run SLI right now because I don't think I need it yet. My question is, how long do companies usually sell video cards for? If I wait a year or two will I still be able to find 760s available for sale somewhere? I wouldn't really want to buy a used one off ebay.
I know you can still find new 660s for sale and I think those are a year or two old. Would I be able to wait a similar amount of time and pick up another 760 at a discount down the road? Both of these use the GK104, right? I'm wondering if that's the only reason that older models are still for sale. Once nvidia rolls out their next GPU, are they likely to cutoff the 760 completely? Basically I'm wondering how long I can probably wait to pickup the second, and how much of a price drop I might be able to get.
Also, this is probably a stupid question, but I'm still a bit new at this. If I'm picking up a MSI 760 TF right now, would I run into issues down the road if I'm not able to find the exact same brand/model 760 to run SLI with? Aren't all 760s (across brands) the exact same nvidia gpu, the only thing that changes are the cooling options, right? Basically I'd just like to know if it'd be better to keep the exact same msi 760 for my second one, or if I could pick up an EVGA one and not see any drop-off/difference. Sorry for the rambling, any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!
It should be able to handle most current games on High/Ultra, and that's what I'm looking for. I think two 760s in SLI would give better value than a 780 or a Titan, but I don't want to run SLI right now because I don't think I need it yet. My question is, how long do companies usually sell video cards for? If I wait a year or two will I still be able to find 760s available for sale somewhere? I wouldn't really want to buy a used one off ebay.
I know you can still find new 660s for sale and I think those are a year or two old. Would I be able to wait a similar amount of time and pick up another 760 at a discount down the road? Both of these use the GK104, right? I'm wondering if that's the only reason that older models are still for sale. Once nvidia rolls out their next GPU, are they likely to cutoff the 760 completely? Basically I'm wondering how long I can probably wait to pickup the second, and how much of a price drop I might be able to get.
Also, this is probably a stupid question, but I'm still a bit new at this. If I'm picking up a MSI 760 TF right now, would I run into issues down the road if I'm not able to find the exact same brand/model 760 to run SLI with? Aren't all 760s (across brands) the exact same nvidia gpu, the only thing that changes are the cooling options, right? Basically I'd just like to know if it'd be better to keep the exact same msi 760 for my second one, or if I could pick up an EVGA one and not see any drop-off/difference. Sorry for the rambling, any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!