GTX 760 SLI or GTX 780?


Nov 24, 2013
I'm going to build a gaming pc this holiday season and I'd like a second opinion before I purchase.

Should I go for dual gtx 760s in SLI or one GTX 780?
I would go with the GTX 780, Although the GTX 760 SLI'd could give you a better performance, I believe the GTX 780 would make the game have a more smooth "feel" to you, as well as leaving a place for another 780 in the future.

GTX 780 then sli in the future but make sure you have

1 a mobo that supports x8/x8 sli capable mobo
2 a well vented case
3. a 850w or greater psu if those 3 in tact your solid for future sli with the 780s