GTX 760 x2 (SLI) Games crash and screens flash.


Sep 21, 2014
System specs to start with:

AMD FX-4100
GTX 760 (PNY) x2 running SLI
Samsung EVO 250 GB SSD
Corsair CX Series 750 Watt ATX/EPS Modular 80 PLUS Bronze
8 Gigs or Ripjaw ram.

Background: I play a lot of games. Tons. As many as I can get my hands on. Problem is, now that I have a semi-powerful rig it doesn't work.

At all. It just crashes.

To be specific. I can play one game w/o any problems. LOL. That's it. Every other game (even if it's super old, like fallout 3, it locks up and I have to either cold boot or ctrl alt delete out).
I've tried lowering the graphics on all games. I've tried updating the BIOS. Lowering the resolution. I reinstalled windows.

Games I want to play: GTA V, Fallout 4 (in Nov), GRAV. Many other that I already own.

Here's the kicker. The problem started awhile ago, and I was sure the MB or the graphics card needed replacing. So I bought a new GTX 760, and a new MB (the one listed is new). I ran it with the new card and the new MB. Same problem. Ran it with SLI. Same problem.

Only thing left to replace are the CPU and the case. Or the memory I suppose.

Any ideas? I'm super annoyed I can't play anything but LOL. =(