phoenixsb5 :
yanis31 :
go with either one suits you best, i'm an nvidia man but everytime i have had a radeon in my pc ive realised they are fast for the money..
just these ones will probably run quite hotter than the nvidia counterparts...
also there seems to be about $55 difference between 770 2gb and 4gb here in latvia... i guess i'm lucky like that
I agree with you saying that AMD gives you performance for money. Surly you wouldn't get performance for free. Actually also wasn't interested in AMD so much, but these cards are worth it dude. Besides, AMD r9 280x reference is 30 bucks cheaper than the GTX 770.
to me the amd card might be worthless... the two radeons i tried weren't able to overclock my monitor, 4 differend nvidia cards - no problem... to me there's a big difference between 60 and 75hz...
just my 5 cents on why i like nvidia... their control panel is just much better organized and everything just works, always tinkering around with the amd and can't get something to work properly, took me a while to figure out that to get all resolutions to use "gpu scaling" you have to select each one on the desktop and save the settings again and again... on nvidia prettymuch one click... stuff like this with their drivers just bothers me.. i am also looking forward to nvidia gsync when i will upgrade my monitor in maybe a year or so...
also 30 dollar difference is nothing on a 400 dollar ... in that kind of range i just pick my favorite,
when it comes to intel vs amd cpu's it's a whole different story -
i bought a fx-6350 because it's half the price of a i5 and performs just a few % slower in games,
in some cases can even outperform them by a little... now that's what i call a deal.