GTX 770 4 Gb or GTX 960 4 Gb.


Dec 2, 2015
I'm buying new graphics card.

I'm currently running gtx 660 2gb

GTX 770 4 Gb or GTX 960 4 Gb.

Which of those is better. I've watched some videos and benchmarks but can't decide which one is better for me. I'm mostly playing games like GTA V, Rust, Battlefield, cs:go, League of legends, etc. But I'm kind of concerned about future games, which card will preform better in like 2 years?

Hello Pyry__. For present gaming I'd recommend you the GTX 770 4GB as it is cheaper and would do the job for the games you desire to play with a good performance. But if you are concerned about keeping the graphic card for 2 years and still being able to play recent games at a good performance, I'd recommend you a GTX 960 4GB. This edition I especially enjoy : Asus GTX960 STRIX DirectCU II OC 4GB GDDR5. I know it is rather expensive but I think it would pay off just fine if you are willing to drop a decent amount of money on it. The best of luck!

Thanks for the answer :)

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