GTX 770: 720p or 1080p??


Nov 17, 2013
Currently, I have my GTX 650.
Playing on 720p
Next week I'm gonna buy my new upgrades, which would be an i7-4770 and a GTX 770.
well, should I stay at 720p? I know that the performance would be Godly
but, i dunno bout the 1080p, Would it still give me 60fps+???
Yeah.. I think you should go over to 1080p as it looks a lot better in my opinion. A gtx 770 will any game just fine, and by that i mean 60fps. Though it might not max out a few of the newest games at 60ps.

As for the i7-4770, do you really need one? For gaming i don't think so.
It is up to you, I play on my 720P 37" TV for my PC games, I think they look great. I'm not a graphics snob, as long as the game looks nice and I can see everything clearly, why not get that big frame bump with the lower resolution. Now an i7 and a GTX770 should run great at 1080p, so you have to decide how important the resolution is to you.

From this thread it appears that 1080p would pose a problem is using only one card. You would need two cards connected via SLI or Crossfire. Read this thread for more of an in depth look at it.

Need it for Video Editing and programming stuffs :)

The GTX 770 averages over 60 in most games at 1080p on High Settings. It takes a big fps hit when jumping up to 2560x1440 or 4K, obviously. But more than enough for single monitor 1080p gaming.

I'd say go 1080p.

Edit: In that article, there's a few that show 1080p at 20-something fps. Note that it says *Minimum* frame rate, which means the lowest recorded framerate, not the average framerate.
The 770 is good enough @ 1080p

However, i prefer the 280x . Mostly for one reason only and it's not mantle per se. It's that the mainstay of hardware in gaming consoles is AMD. As more and more games get ported over to pc there is a slight advantage to AMD cards because of that optimization. With mantle and a high end cpu like i7/i5 it is estimated at approximately 7% performance increase. APU's and less powerful cpus is where mantle will shine.
Mantle only supports 2 games at the moment, and is up to the developers to take extra time to support. It'll be awhile before we see wide adoption of Mantle.

AMD on consoles is very little indicative of PC optimization. Coding for the proprietary hardware on the next gen consoles doesn't translate to better optimization of same-brand hardware on PC, because you have to write the code to be accessible to Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA. It might be more translatable to better Mantle support later on, but not better across-the-board performance.
BF4 was designed on PCs, then ported to consoles, and was optimized for AMD hardware because that's who they decided to get in bed with, much like Metro: Last Light is optimized for NVIDIA hardware. Has little to nothing to do with AMD scoring wins on both next gen consoles, especially since both consoles are equipped with middle-low end hardware.

Not to mention there have been plenty of occasions of Nvidia cards outperforming AMD cards on AMD-optimized games.

Also, Assassin's Creed 4 runs on those AMD consoles and has NVIDIA-proprietary features on the PC release.

There's little to support that AMD will gain any tangible benefits because of the hardware in the console space. If anything, all it will serve is that ports will be less held back on the PC Platform as they have been in the past, since even Watch Dogs looks crazy better on PC than it does on PS4 in the latest footage that's come out, and that's another NVIDIA optimized game.

Yes, as are all [strike]ported[/strike] games, ported or not. They start\are designed on a PC and scaled down for console. As well as designed to suit there gaming controllers. I sticking to theory that designed with AMD hardware in mind, i will stick with their GPU's. Nvidia will of course have optimized drivers also. I don't see this as big issue for cpus however. Mantle if it ever gains momentum will not matter to strong cpus.