GTX 770 maximum safe overclock


Sep 22, 2010
I OC'd my CPU to 4.0 ghz and it's an i5 4670k. My current GPU settings are
GPU boost clock 1249
Memory clock 7300
Power target 110%
Max gpu temp is 73% for the game I'm playing.
Gpu usage 80~. GPU voltage max 1200.

I'm new to overclocking but was wondering if I could squeeze some more FPS for a game called ARK without damaging anything? Thanks.


Maximum gpu temperature is 90 degrees.

As for the clock speed and how much fps gain you will be able to squeeze out of it, it will depend on your particular gpu, i.e. gpu lottery. I would OC it till I start seeing 83-84.....GPU fan will ramp up to 80-90%, making the card noisier, but that is to be expected. The oc temperature you're comfortable with is up to you.