Gtx 770 Monitor Help


Jul 10, 2013
Ive recently bought all the parts for my new computer and Have everything except the monitor.

i7 4770k
gtx 770
16g ram

Im looking for a large sized monitor (was hoping for some widescreens) that has a fast response time. Ive found a bunch of 1920X1080 monitors with 1ms response times which is cool. But I feel like it would be wasting the potential of this build if I dont step up to a higher resolution. Does anyone have suggestions for a large gaming monitor with higher native resolutions. Ive been considering 2560X1080 but have mixed feelings about it.
I also have a 770 and have been eyeing a Dell U2713HM, I'm not terribly far down the path to where I'm ready to buy (going to swing by best buy and look at some in person)- but you sound like you want 27" @ 1440 resolution
Your monitor looks decent but the response time is a little high for me. I keep finding all these nice <5ms response times, 120hz refresh rate large monitors but all of them in 1920x1080. Was hoping for something higher resolution.
kat's recommendation is an excellent one. Forget that response time crap - you need to read professional monitor reviews to really understand pixel response and input lag (totally separate things) such as To illustrate:

A 6ms IPS panel:


Now see how another 6ms IPS panel performs:


And an 8ms panel so you can see just how much that counts for 🙂


Left side is best-case-scenario and right side is worst-case-scenario. See how useful the quoted response times are? Kat's choice of monitor is based on high speed that isn't compromising quality. Anything rated 1ms or 2ms or 120Hz will be using a TN film panel which will deliver poor colour quality. It's all about compromise with TFTs. Very few displays (even TN) will deliver faster results than the 2nd and 3rd monitors in those pictures.
I understand the point you are coming from, playing on a higher resoloution, but I think you should stay with 1080p, this means that you are more than capable for playing all games MAX basically, and if you go with 2560X1080 then your frames in game will go down, a lot, I would stay with 1920x1080 because it will get you WAY more frames. If you still want to go with it, IPS displays are very cool but expensive and sometimes the IPS panels don't work very well with games.
I understand the point you are coming from, playing on a higher resoloution, but I think you should stay with 1080p, this means that you are more than capable for playing all games MAX basically, and if you go with 2560X1080 then your frames in game will go down, a lot, I would stay with 1920x1080 because it will get you WAY more frames. If you still want to go with it, IPS displays are very cool but expensive and sometimes the IPS panels don't work very well with games.
I wasn't gonna say anything but I do agree about 1080p. Crysis 3 maxed and 2x SMAA will just about perform decently at 1080p on a GTX770. But even a fraction less than that and I'd step down to high settings (instead of very high). More and more games are gonna come out with Crysis 3 level demands (or more).
Honestly- I've been looking at 27" monitors *only* because everyone says they're the next step up from my current monitor, a 3 year old 23" TN panel 1080p 60Hz ASUS. Honestly, I think my monitor is huge on my desk- and am a little hesitant to move to 27" without getting a desk that has some more depth away from the monitor 😛

I'm still leaning towards IPS over something like ASUS' 144Hz Lightboost TN Panel, but I may chicken out and get a 1080p IPS panel at 23 or 24". There are still some good ones out there. I'm just not entirely sure that it is worth sacrificing GPU resources (even if you have them to spare) in order to go to 1440p on 27". If you have less resources and eventually need to run a game on High/1440 instead of Max/1080- are you really coming out ahead in that scenario? I dont know the answer to that, but I'm hoping to have a better idea after seeing the options in person later today.
This is exactly what I've been considering. Crysis 3 is the only game I've ever played that I felt may benefit from a bit more resolution than 1080p (for very fine detail in distant foliage etc). I really like being able to play at max quality settings so as much as I love the idea of high dpi monitors like a 23" 1440p (just over a year away apparently), I'll stick with 1080p regardless.
I would consider staying at 1080p, what I really want is a large viewing area. Which is why I was thing 2560x1080 for the wider screen. I dont like eyefinity because of the bezels. looking into it farther, staying at 1080p would save me alot of money as well. Looking at best buy there are some nice monitors in store I wouldnt have to wait for shipping. But most of them are 60hz and id really rather go for 120hz.
Totally agree about the bezels. 2560x1080 is interesting, though the aspect ratio could pose a problem in some games. Possibly since the move to widescreen games have been developed in a more responsive manner to adapt to any kind of aspect ratio, but I'd check with somebody who has actually played a bunch of games at this res before making that purchase.
well I should say in my area, ill probably get a crap monitor from best buy to finish my build today and then order a real monitor.

That does look like a good choice and its a decent price. Ill have to look into it but its looking like a really nice choice thanks.