GTX 770 SLI on a Corsair GS700? - Please Help


Oct 22, 2012
So guys, can I SLI 2 GTX 770s on my PSU..? Or it would be on the edge??

I'll be pairing a i5 4670K with MSI Z87 GD65, if that helps.

Any help is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance! :)

The GS700 AFAIK only comes with 2 PCIe power connectors, and the GTX 770s require 2 each. So you'd have to run with molex to PCIe adapters, and that's not a good idea when there's this much power being drawn. So I wouldn't recommend it.
The GS700 AFAIK only comes with 2 PCIe power connectors, and the GTX 770s require 2 each. So you'd have to run with molex to PCIe adapters, and that's not a good idea when there's this much power being drawn. So I wouldn't recommend it.

Recommendations already include a large safety margin, so with 850W you are on the VERY safe side. With 1000W, you're in overkill territory.