GTX 770 SLI or Wait for Upcomimg AMD Nextgen GPUs


Jul 17, 2013
I was planning to SLI GTX 770 , would have been buying one now and another few months latter. But some suggested me to wait and see the AMD upcoming GPUs.
I shall admit in this case, I do have a soft corner on AMD and anything that would beat Gtx770 can be acquire my choice.I would then Xfire in same fashion i would have been doing the SLI.

Please suggest what should i do....

Many thanks in adv.

Thanks for replying.
I can surely wait around -1/1.5 months more .Would that be enough?
Im not fanboy of either amd of nv because Ive owned both over the last 4 years....I can tell you amd drivers for crossfire have issues and they said a fix is on the way back in 2012....I just got my 780's and every game I play incredible!! sli issues what so ever...NV drivers are awesome and before these I had 680's and zero issues as well...I would personally wait a little until amd releases and nv price drop on 770's...also look for a 4gig of vram due to console ports upcoming utilizing more.

Hm, Then i would better be waiting to see what comes in.
I heard a lot of user having Xfire prob but few with SLI prob.

although the 9000 series is supposedly being released Q4 this year, AMD also said that its 79xx cards would be the top cards for this year. So the top end cards probably wont even be out this year at all.

Personally i would wait, even if the amd offering isnt 100% better than the 770, competition will likely drive nvidias prices down a bit.