Gtx 770 sli??


Dec 20, 2013
so i have two questions.. what difference in fps would i get if i sli'd my gtx 770 sc?? significant?
and i run i7 3770k processor ..should i oc it for the 770?> not sure if its bottlenecking the card...gets decent fps..but could it be better??

So why arn't you satisfied with your results. At first you need a good psu to handle to cards. having to or more cards will increase microstutter wich makes 60 fps feels like less.
It is expensive and some games don't support it, other games wont have a massive increase.
Look up some reviews to see if you think it's worth it to get a second card. Going from a gtx 770 to a 780 is also a waste of money in my...
Your cpu would handle it easily.
What game will you be playing and at what resolution?
A gtx 770 is a very good card so I don't see any reason for you to get a second one.
What resolution is your monitor and how many hz?
GTX 770 SLI will not have the same performace as 2x 770, but the second one will add about 70-80% more performance.
Over Clocking a GPU won't* help your FPS that much, the fps increase is about 2 or 3 or maybe max 5.
2x GTX 770 will have a huge power consumption, take in mind..240W x 2

Why would you not go for a single GPU like GTX 780?
The price atm is pretty good and I don't see a reason getting 2x 770 if you can still have 60 FPS+ at any game with lower power consumption and a more powerfull single GPU card :)
im currently playing some skyrim since i can mod it now.. gtx 560 wasnt able to handle mods to well :)
call of duty ghost and assassins creed black flag.
my monitor is my 60 inch vizio smart tv at 120 hz.
black flag is currently getting the least fps on ultra at about 30-60 fps.. call of duty is getting over 100 at times!

So why arn't you satisfied with your results. At first you need a good psu to handle to cards. having to or more cards will increase microstutter wich makes 60 fps feels like less.
It is expensive and some games don't support it, other games wont have a massive increase.
Look up some reviews to see if you think it's worth it to get a second card. Going from a gtx 770 to a 780 is also a waste of money in my eyes. This is a very good review
Edit: see the microstutter isn't a big isseu most of the time.
I currently run gtx 770 4gb in SLi and it runs great. I have an i5 3570K overclocked to 4.4 GHz so no bottleneck there. Realistically i got about a 60-70% increase in performance @ 1080p. I have since upgraded to using a 1440p monitor so since i am running at the res i get around 50-60 fps in most games.