I have an Alienware Aurora case, it doesn't have very good airflow.
When I upgrade my Video Card...(I'm considering a Evga ACX or Asus DC2)
Would I be better off with a reference cooler that blows the heat outside my case or would I be okay running an open air aftermarket cooler card?
I know the benefits of the aftermarket cooler is better temps and overclocking potential...
I just don't know if I might end up regretting getting a open air cooler for this type of case...
Anybody have any experience with open air cards in a smaller case?
When I upgrade my Video Card...(I'm considering a Evga ACX or Asus DC2)
Would I be better off with a reference cooler that blows the heat outside my case or would I be okay running an open air aftermarket cooler card?
I know the benefits of the aftermarket cooler is better temps and overclocking potential...
I just don't know if I might end up regretting getting a open air cooler for this type of case...
Anybody have any experience with open air cards in a smaller case?