GTX 780 Brand Selection Help


Aug 3, 2012
Hey reader,
I'm looking for some help as to which GTX 780 to buy!

  • ■ Preferably from or
    ■ Budget tops at no more than £400 😛
    ■ I'm looking for something that could be overclocked, however if it comes out of the box performing well then it won't really be necessary.
    ■ I'd quite like it to be quiet and not go over 80c when under load 😉
Before you judge me and think I'm being lazy by asking other people to help, trust me, I've gotten lost in the amount of cards around that price because they all have their pros and cons, and so that is why I'm asking anyone who has any experience that could help!

The cards that caught my eye the most were EVGA, Inno3D and Zotac AMP! However, from looking at benchmarks, something like the Inno3D is a beast at cooling, but is it really the best 780? :pt1cable:

Anyone like to shed some light on my situation? :lol:

EVGA Superclocked ACX ggtx 780 or the Gigabyte windforce OC gtx 780 two gtx 780s on the market for the money

btw for £400 supposedly the best gtx 780 is msi lightening, but honestly its only like 1-2 frames faster, even when overclocked so its really not worth it...all that extra stuff is kinda irrelevant and more of a marketing's the link to the evga card btw
this one here has 6gb vram so that might be something to consider
Read just about any roundyp review and you will see them ranked Asus, MSI, Gigabyte, EVGA SC series....tho many times the Asus and MSI tie or swith places:

Asus > MSI > Invo 3D > EVGA

Since that review MSI has retooled and has a new version which ups the outta the box Core speed by 52 MHz. The MSI is also, by far, the quietest among the bunch..... nothing bad about the Gigabyte but it is the loudest. The MSI is also the cheapest.... I recommend the Asus for waterclocked builds and the MSI for air cooled builds.

MSI £359.99
Thanks for all your answers guys.
I decided ultimately to look further into the Asus card and found that it would be the one I will go for.
Thanks for your input as it has helped! 😉