GTX 780 Crashing 5 Minutes Into Games


Jan 19, 2014
Hello all. I just built my first gaming rig last week, and am having an issue where graphically intense games (Arkham Origins, Black Flag) are crashing within 5 minutes of loading (sometimes just in the game's menu). I first get kicked to my desktop with the Windows warning "Windows is noticing your computer's performance is slow, would you like to turn off Aero theme", and then within another 30 seconds my computer completely shuts off and restarts itself (no blue screens, just acts like someone pulled the plug). Here are my specs:

i7 4770k (no OC), Corsair H80i Cooler
Corsair Vengeance 16gb 2133 (2x8)
EVGA GTX 780 SC w/ ACX Cooler (not OC'd any further than stock)
Samsung 840 Pro 256gb SSD
Asus Xonar DGX sound card
Corsair HX850 watt PSU (70amp 12V rail)
Running Windows 7 64 bit

I have updated all drivers (video card, audio card, MoBo) to most recent versions. I have run both FurMark and prime95 each separately for 15 minutes at a time with no issues (although I cannot run both programs at once, FurMark stops if I try to). Temps are fine during these tests, CPU never above 60c, GPU never above 80c. Also, League of Legends (more CPU than GPU heavy) runs just fine.

So, looking for some help from the community on what the issue could possibly be. My initial thought is to blame either a GPU driver issue perhaps specific to my rig, or I just got unlucky with a bad GPU all together. I suppose a PSU issue is also a possibility, although I have never had problems with PSU before, I know it to be an exceptionally rated PSU, but it is roughly 2 years old and it has never faced a build like this!

Please, any help is greatly appreciated!



Oct 30, 2013
Try running a GPU intensive synthetic benchmark like Unigine Heaven or Valley for about 20 mins. Your power supply should be fine and it has 7 year warranty (I might be wrong it coulld be 5). But if it restarts under load it may very well be a PSU issue. Also, if you could benchmark Heaven and report the results, it might show where there is a problem.


Jan 19, 2014

So, finally got back home and able to do some more troubleshooting. Heaven runs totally fine. 30+ minutes running it, ran multiple benchmarks, maxed out settings, averaging 57 fps, beautiful. Ran it with both Aero theme on and off. No crashes, restarts, windows warnings, etc.

So, two seperate GPU becnhmark programs are not crashing my GPU, and light games like League aren't crashing it, but games like Arkham and Black Flag that run at 60-80% load do crash it. This is making no sense to me. It doesn't appear to be anything physically wrong with CPU, GPU, or PSU hardware. Is it really possible that drivers specific to those two games are making me crash? I guess I need to try more games out to try and figure it out.

Any other suggestions?