GTX 780 failing after installing drivers

Jan 10, 2019
I bought second hand GTX 780.
My rig:
Asus m5a78l
Quad-core 3.3ghz
650w 11gb ram sata 500hdd
Had GTX 560 but USB shorted and card stop working hence the upgrade.
After I instal drivers on 780 the screen goes to 600x480 and 16 colors.trying to change em.there is an warning by res.that my screen is only 600 pix. High and that's the only res available.
I downloaded,used CD multiple times.
I get high res on standard VGA monitor Ben q24w5.
Would like to keep 780 as it's a good card. can any one got any idea?

But just spoke to some one.
I connected the monitor on on VGA with an adapter.can this be a problem,analogy not digital.
GTX 560 worked fine