GTX 780 Overheating above 95c.


Nov 5, 2011
Hi... I purchased gtx 780. Normally when gaming it levels off around 80c.

Recently I had to transport my computer. And since then while gaming card goes all the way upto 95c I had to stop playing to avoid any damage.

Also the fan doesn't push it self. It always stays at 37% which might be the issue.

I have HAF 932 cabinet so airflow issue of out of the box. At least I feel so... I made sure all fans are running in the direction they are supposed to.

Now I came up with a workaround using MSI Afterburner to restrict it at 79c. That way it doesn't overheat. By increasing the fan speed.

The graphics card is supposed to auto throttle the fan speed in general.

So is the graphics card somehow damaged so that it can't regulate the fan speed? I never overclocked it.

Please help me out.


Make sure you seat the card perfectly into the slot and reset the BIOS.

Make sure you seat the card perfectly into the slot and reset the BIOS.
I don't recall but I vaguely remember the auto button has green light. I'll cross check..

Well I played a game packed my computer .. Unpacked it and played the same game again... I didn't change any settings. Before transportation it was all fine.. Now I just have the heating issue.. Other than that games run just fine..

Auto Mode should have already resolved the temperature issue. Just reseat the card and load optimized defaults in the BIOS... when you get back home.
Thanks a lot.. Reseating Helped. I didnt even have to reset the BIOS. I reset the MSI Afterburner settings to default and played the game. And the moment it hit 81c the Fan speed throttled up. and Temps were down to 75-79c.

Simple yet Effective solution.! 😀 .. Oh and also this time. I changed the power cables to a different ones. which i rem'br using earlier.