GTX 780 showing 140% power consumption


Dec 13, 2016
I recently got a MSI GTX 780 twin frozr from my neighbor as he is upgrading to a 1080 for 4k gaming. However when I went to play overwatch I was only reaching 20fps at epic settings. So I downloaded GPU-Z to see what was going on and it showed my power consumption was around 140% TDP and the core clock running at 324 MHZ.

Is there anyway I could possibly rectify this so I can use the card to it's full potential instead of having to buy a new card. For reference I have so far tried updating/reinstalling drivers, using different power connectors for the PSU, Trying different PCIe slots and giving the card and slots a clean. Other than the card not hitting it's normal clock speeds it does still work fine as I can still achieve 60fps on lower setting but I know from research that it should easily achieve higher.

My current PC specs are:
CPU: i7-4820K - not yet overclocked
GPU: MSI GTX 780 twin frozr
Motherboard: Asrock x79 Extreme 4
PSU: Cooler Master G650M
Use a Display Driver Cleaner program and completely remove the old video drivers install the newest ones from the Nvidia website and also download a program like EVGA Per X or MSI afterburner to monitor GPU settings.

Hi, when testing old drivers as well as the latest driver I used one of those programs each time. unfortunately it was to no avail as I am still getting the same problem. Also here is a screenshot of the reading for Afterburner: