Gtx 780 SLI


Feb 13, 2014
First of all I have a corsair ax760 with an i7 3770k overclocked at 4.0ghz.
And I have one Gigabyte GeForce GTX780 3GB WindForce 3X (Rev 2.0) and my question is can I SLI it with a Gigabyte GeForce GTX780 3GB (GV-N780GHZ-3GD) ?
and if I can do you think its worth spending 100$ more for the 1019mhz processor except the 863mhz one?
My budget will be like 500$ and I am just wondering what I should upgrade for better performance in DayZ because I am also recording and It throws some FPS away

If that was a typo and you mean you have a second PSU that is 750w, I believe there is a way to setup both to run the same PC but I have never done it/seen it done. I would still advise getting a 780 with a clock speed no higher than the one you already have, and a new power supply (rated for sli) that is at least 850w.
Those two cards are fine to sli.

You might wanna save the $100 and overclock it yourself though because with 2 780's you're going to have to upgrade your power supply to at least 850w.

Also, whichever card runs at the lowest speed, that is the speed both cards will run at under sli.
So I should get the exact same card and overclock it my self?
I have one cpu from my old pc which is like 750w can i use both to run the same pc?
The money I would save would probably get me a new SSD that I need.

If that was a typo and you mean you have a second PSU that is 750w, I believe there is a way to setup both to run the same PC but I have never done it/seen it done. I would still advise getting a 780 with a clock speed no higher than the one you already have, and a new power supply (rated for sli) that is at least 850w.