GTX 780 (stock) vs GTX 780 SC with ACX


Jun 16, 2013
Hey everybody. I am getting 2 gtx 780's soon to run in SLI mode but I am wondering which is best for me to get. I am thinking about getting the superclocked edition from EVGA with the ACX aftermarket cooler. However there are 2 questions that I would like to have answered before I do this.

1. Will the ACX fans cause problems with the rest of my system?

I have read that the ACX cooling system expels heat into the rest of your computer case rather than out of the back like the stock versions. I only have one 80mm fan for exhaust. Will this be enough to keep the rest of my computer cool with the ACX fans pumping extra heat through it?

2. Are the superclocked editions achieving a greater overclock than I could get on my own with MSI Afterburner or Precision X?

I do not understand Superclocked graphics cards very well yet. I know that superclocked cards come with their own preset overclocks. Can I overclock these cards further? AND WHEN I DO, will the maximum overclock be any higher than if I just got stock version and overclocked it all the way on my own?

I would really appreciate some insight on these issues. I look forward to everyone's advice.
To your first question; yes, it will cause problems. Stick with the reference cards, and perhaps get a custom loop up and running at some point.
To your second question; using any aftermarket program, you will get higher clocks than those achieved in the factory OCs; that's just a way for them to make more money off of the same card.
To your first question; yes, it will cause problems. Stick with the reference cards, and perhaps get a custom loop up and running at some point.
To your second question; using any aftermarket program, you will get higher clocks than those achieved in the factory OCs; that's just a way for them to make more money off of the same card.