GTX 780 TI SLI vs GTX 790

Hardware Fanatic

Feb 28, 2012
So I am thinking of purchasing two 780 Ti cards, however reading up it seems the 790 is expected this month. Now the 780 Ti cards I have in mind are the Zotac AMP editions and they will set me back £1068.30. The 790 is expected to retail for at least £850+, £850 probably being optimistic.

How much of a performance, overclocking and power consumption difference exists between AMPed SLI 780 Ti cards and the reported specs of the 790? And is this difference worth the price gap?

Generally, you would go for the dual GPU on a single card option because you are tight on space or you have some other configuration issues. Otherwise the two card option is better for the improved cooling spread out over a larger area. Heat management is key with Turbo Boost 2.0, so ultimately the dual card option will be faster if all else is equal.

In this case, however, the GTX 790 is rumored to be not quite a full dual GTX 780 Ti chip. It'll be slower regardless of the thermals.


the PLX chip is ude to manage SLI

Yes, it takes the place of the SLi bridge that is used to connect two cards together.

I hope you have a killer PC with a higher resolution monitor. My single GTX 780 Ti is nailing everything I throw at it. Funny, but I was playing Fallout: New Vegas and it wouldn't even go into full 3D clock mode while putting out 110+ FPS with every AA setting turned up to maximum.

Is the GTX 790 even due out anytime soon, or is it just rumors?

I have a 3D Monitor so would like to run all games at 120fps in 2D and 60fps in 3D. A single GTX 780 Ti doesn't cut it.

Reading online apparently it's been leaked that the 790 is due end of this month or next month.
I suggest you wait until the 790 has been released with all the specs since most specs are rumored however if it's anything like the 680 and 690 then definitely go with 2x GTX 780TI because with the 680...if you had 2 680's you could beat a 690.