GTX 780 vs 780 Ti; Difference in price worth the future proofing?


Nov 8, 2013
Basically what the title says. I'm going to be gaming at 1080p max 1600p in the foreseeable future. Will the Ti keep me from getting a new card any time soon and is that worth the price tag?

I agree that extra 200 bucks is way to much for that little performance increase I went and did some benchmarks and guess what only a 7.4 fps increase on average that is almost nothing.So my solution was get yourself a gtx 780 lightning from msi or get yourself a evga classified I personaly own two lightning and man those things are epic and they have excellent overclocking potential...

I agree that extra 200 bucks is way to much for that little performance increase I went and did some benchmarks and guess what only a 7.4 fps increase on average that is almost nothing.So my solution was get yourself a gtx 780 lightning from msi or get yourself a evga classified I personaly own two lightning and man those things are epic and they have excellent overclocking potential...
