GTX 780ti low bf4 fps.

Ashley Walker

Mar 28, 2014
Asus GTX 780ti direct CU II OC edition
i7- 3770k at 3.5ghz
asrock h61m-dgs
8gb DDR3
win7 64-bit
iiyama ProLite E2473HS (Monitor)
Sata 1TB HDD

I'm currently finding that during 32 player matches are dropping as low as 30fps fairly frequently (High or Ultra settings). I am however displaying it on a 1080p monitor 60hz monitor with respective settings.
I was hoping if someone could advise me on this situation.

Thanks, Ash

Clocks and temps are normal, it's quite possibly the cheap ass motherboard.
Thanks for you help

GPU is at around 97%

CPU averages at around 93, however 2 of the 4 cores managed to hit 96 whilst hitting a temp of 79 degrees celsius

How would you advise?
Thanks man

I think I'll invest in a non-stock CPU cooler today. Any recommendations, good Sir?


Those look perfect, should just about fit in a midi-tower case

That motherboard wont work. he/she needs a 1155 board

i dont honestly know that the motherboard would be the cause(as long as it is operating properly of course). it shouldnt really matter. h61 will run with an i7 3770k, it just wont overclock.

seems that no one has thought to ask what kind of power supply you are you know?

Yes, but I'm 90% sure that the H61 WILL be bottlenecking and holding back the power of the i7. The H61 is only really designed for pentium and celeron cpus and an i7 shouldn't really be running on it, especially if gaming.

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