GTX 790 or 960 or both?

Jan 10, 2019
Long time lurker first time poster!

I've tried to do some research on a couple of video cards I've received 2nd hand. I have two questions

Is the 790 better than the 960?
Can I run both video cards to support a dual monitor setup with one card driving the game and the other running a VoIP program and other associated programs?

I think the answer to both questions is yes but I know some people here have a ton of knowledge and experience, so I thought I would ask.

A little more insight, From what I can tell a single 780 is better than a 960 if that is the case than the 790 should have better overall performance plus it has a lot more RAM. As for running two monitors, I think this should work but I'm not sure since the 790 acts like 2 780s in SLI. I'm not looking to SLI the 790 and 960.
yes, 790 is much better than 960
It has more than 2 ports so you can just run 2 monitors with 790
SLI needs two same GTX cards, so you can not SLI 790 and 960.

That never existed as a 790. That card became Titan Z.

But yeah a 780 is better than a 960. 960 performs similar to a 680/770.