GTX 950 Asus Mini for $90 new


May 26, 2012
As the title says...NewEgg currently has an bus-powered mitx GTX 950 on sale for 89.99 after rebate (plus a random indie game).

I play FIFA 17, Marvel Heroes 2016, Lego games, and once in a while an older FPS game. I have a 1080p, 60Hz display, but I don't really see a difference beyond about 30. I would like a card that will last 3-5 years like my current Radeon 7750. I'd rather ultra settings on 1080 with 30 fps than 60 fps on low/medium.

Should I just wait for a GTX 1050 4 gig card? Looking at $150 or so budget-wise. The 950 for $90 just seems too good of a deal. From what I've been reading, it sounds like the 1050 2 and 4 gig cards will obviously be upgrades from the 950, but not as big as some of the other new Pascal and Polaris cards vs the previous generation.

Go ahead and buy the GTX 950, for $90 that a very good deal. The GTX 1050 will be for about $150 and will have similar performance, and with the type of games you play it is a very fitting card.