GTX 950 fails to OC


Aug 24, 2013

I have a Gigabyte GTX 950 OC edition (single fan one). I'd like to oc it. I'm using MSI Afterburner, but I think this card just won't oc at all. I changed the max power and temp to 118% and 95 degrees and tried to oc the card even by 50 MHz - the screen goes black after 10-15 minutes and only restart helps. Any ideas what's the cause?

P.S: I don't think the PSU is at fault here - I'm using Corsair V550.

YOu lost the silicon lottery.

Increase voltage by .025V aka 25 mV.Maybe 50 mV.

Even adding + 100 doesn't help. Or is 100 simply too much?

Not too much. It is already OC'd so I'd not feel too bad. Not really an OC'er's dream GFX card. Closer to an entry-level budget card.

That "entry level budget card" feels really insulting. A real entry level budget card would be something like gtx 5xx or 6xx series NOW. That term is totally misplaced. That term should be used for graphics which can barely handle modern titles - this GPU handles modern title more than well.

I apologize. I wasn't intending to insult. That is just my view. 50 entry. 60 mid-range. 70 high end. 80 top end. Is usually how it is with Nvidia releases. 1050,1060,1070,1080. With Ti being the cherry on the top of some releases. The 1080 will get that within the next couple of months.

Low end POS? Different story.