GTX 950 is handleable?

Oct 29, 2018
i have a 2005 pc with dua intel2 with X8 space for extras, i made a mistake made me go to windows 10 so i cant play most low engine games like roblox cuz i have Q35 chipest family so i cant play but i wanted to buy GTX 950 would it handle so i can countinue in my pc? (note idk if it 2005 pc )

Not really sure what you are asking, if your system can run it, it can run it. Should not be an issue with the motherboard being able to see a 950 card, but OEM system motherboards if that is what you have, can have issues with add-on video cards even if a standard motherboard from that era don't. Also a Core 2 Duo system will never be able to match the speed of a 950 video card. You should be just fine with something like a 730 GDDR5...

kets say it supported is there anyway i can use it or my pc holds it and give it energy?

Not really sure what you are asking, if your system can run it, it can run it. Should not be an issue with the motherboard being able to see a 950 card, but OEM system motherboards if that is what you have, can have issues with add-on video cards even if a standard motherboard from that era don't. Also a Core 2 Duo system will never be able to match the speed of a 950 video card. You should be just fine with something like a 730 GDDR5 or a 740.

ok thanks i will see if it can run some 730 vedio cards