GTX 950 or 750 ti / 970 / other for a gaming PC? AMD?


May 23, 2016
Hey guys!

I'm trying to build a new gaming PC since my old GTX 560 Ti broke a few months ago. I haven't settled for a build yet (probably will be a i5 build though), but it will be around 700 - 1000$ CAD (so 530 - 760 USD right now with the horrendous exchange rates).

I'm looking for a GPU right now, and I've found some sweet deals, particularly on Newegg. My question is: is the GTX 950 worth getting? The 950 would cost me around 178$ USD, so am I better off getting an older card, like a 750 Ti or something, or going with something better like a GTX 970? (knowing I want to game mostly, and play games such as Mass Effect Andromeda, No Man's Sky, Civilization VI and The Witcher 3 at high+ settings).

What is better for the performance/price ratio? Would it be better to get a similar AMD card? (don't know a lot about AMD)

Thanks a lot!
Agree with above ^ but also understand that all of those titles (minus possibly civ 6, but I haven't looked at that just yet) are intensive games. A 970 cannot max witcher 3 at 1080p without getting some FPS dips, nevermind a card that is actually in your price range. I wouldn't set the expectation bar for a 950-960-380-380x to high/ultra settings on very very new titles. I would expect somewhere in the med-high range, but not high+.

Personally, dependent on your budget, 750Ti, R7 370, R9 380, or GTX 960. If you have the funds for a 970, wait for 2 weeks for the 1070 release and check prices up there, see if you can afford that.
no for a 180 $ you can buy gtx 960 or r9 380 from amazon , i highly recommend buying one of these two at least for future wise ....
actually amd and nvidia are tight competitors so don't worry go with the highest performance and lowest price , a gtx 970 would be a great choice if you have the cash.
Agree with above ^ but also understand that all of those titles (minus possibly civ 6, but I haven't looked at that just yet) are intensive games. A 970 cannot max witcher 3 at 1080p without getting some FPS dips, nevermind a card that is actually in your price range. I wouldn't set the expectation bar for a 950-960-380-380x to high/ultra settings on very very new titles. I would expect somewhere in the med-high range, but not high+.

Personally, dependent on your budget, 750Ti, R7 370, R9 380, or GTX 960. If you have the funds for a 970, wait for 2 weeks for the 1070 release and check prices up there, see if you can afford that.
Thanks to all for the pointers! I have one question regarding the 950 vs 960/70: Is it better to have a 950 w/ 4Gb of GDDR5 or a 960/70 with 2Gb? What's the difference in performance?