GTX 950M 4GB vs GTX 960M 2GB


Oct 3, 2016
Im about to buy a gaming laptop. I'll be using it for heavy multitasking and rendering (I study Architecture) and of course some gaming.

Right now im between two options.

• Core i7 6700HQ / GTX 950M 4GB / 8Gb RAM DDR3L

• Core i7 4720HQ / GTX 960M 2GB / 8Gb RAM DDR3

I want to know if there is any major difference between this two options, because they are almost the same price.
I think my priority is the graphics card, because either the 6700 or the 4720 will make a big difference compared to my actual FX 6300.

In advance, thank you.
The 6700hq and 4720hq are close enough in performance that would would not notice the difference between them. The 960 is a lot better than the 950.

The i7 4720hq + 960M is EASILY the better gaming machine.
The 6th i7 generation is a bigger jump in performance from the 4th-gen i7 than the 5th-gen i7 was. I would go with • Core i7 6700HQ / GTX 950M 4GB / 8Gb RAM DDR3L but if you want it for gaming you should consider the GTX 960M because its much more better than the 950M.