Question Gtx 950m related stuff VN7 571G


Feb 4, 2017
So yesterday I was replacing my thermal paste with conductonaut. The temps dropped from 103C ro 73C under load which was amazing. The laptop is Acer Aspire VN7 571G. Alright so I already know the risks of conductonaut and tbh it worked. I made sure nothing spilled onto the board and everything is fine. How ever I accidently kept repeatedly turning off the laptop cause my hand kept hitting the power button. When I checked it after a while gtx 950m had a code 43. I feel like one of the issues has got to be:
  1. I somehow got the conductonaut to spill which doesn't make sense cause the cpu still works.
  2. Loose gpu connector which I tried checking for but everything seems to be strongly attached.
  3. I may have rubbed of the stock paste too hard since I have a GT107M card system. So the little pieces around the card might be damaged. (Stock paste was terribly appiled and almost seeped onto motherboard)

Issues I am absolutely sure is not the cause:
1) Drivers

I was also looking around the web for juicy stuff when I came around a weird bit. Gtx 950m and 960m have the same sockets? Or maybe I am wrong. Correct me if I am. And if they are, and I know this is stupid, but if its possible to replace the code 43 950m with a new 960m? Soldering is a pain.
These are HWInfo stuff AND NO ITS NOT A FAKE GTX 950m xD
If you guys need any info just ask me what to do and I'll submit it.
You should use Rubbing alcohol to remove thermal paste(not liquid metal) so perhaps you can inspect if the stock thermal paste got onto anything else. You should also look into your laptop's support page and see if you have any BIOS updates pending. On another note, what version of the OS are you on?