GTX 960 in HP case


Nov 3, 2015
Can anyone tell me if I can fit a GTX 960 into my HP Pavilion Case. I can't buy a new case so this why. Also I currently have a Gt 740 and I was over locking to about 100 degrees. Is that safe. Also am I able to install a new mother word in a HP Pavilion case.
I think most HP Pavilions are standard width, but the length is hard to know without measuring it. Best thing for you to do is crack open your case, get a measuring tape and see how much room you have from the PCI-I bracket to the point where it hits something (the slot where you current GT 740 is). For sure you can handle the short length "mini ITX" GTX 960s. The bigger problem is you only have a 300W power supply so you're going to have to upgrade that to at least 400W (preferably 450 to 500W).
I think most HP Pavilions are standard width, but the length is hard to know without measuring it. Best thing for you to do is crack open your case, get a measuring tape and see how much room you have from the PCI-I bracket to the point where it hits something (the slot where you current GT 740 is). For sure you can handle the short length "mini ITX" GTX 960s. The bigger problem is you only have a 300W power supply so you're going to have to upgrade that to at least 400W (preferably 450 to 500W).