GTX 960 - Is it good for running a Tri Screen gaming setup? All monitors full hd 23inch

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Apr 26, 2015
I recently purchased Tri screens all 1080 Full HD 23 inch monitors.
I was wondering if the GTX 960 will be fine for this setup or is it worth going 970 ?

I play games like Elite Dangerous and would like to use tri screens for games like this.

Current RiG:
CPU - Intel i5 processor
PSU - 620w
GPU - GTX 560 Ti
RAM - 8gb


..of course it will! unless you start talking 4k resolution. These forums are always full of 'that'll never run' scaremongers!..will you have the odd fps drop? yes, especially with open world games, normally due to other factors than the GPU. Put it this way..if u cant play games using the 970 we might as well ALL pack up & go home! the only possible issue is maybe 3 years down the line or so (as state of art high end games evolve), with the limited 3.5gb and bus.

The 970 will probably be perfect for Elite dangerous for its foreseeable development (its requirements are NOT anything like Crisis 3 etc, for example!), even with upgrades. I have 970, 3 1080 monitors and SSD (good for in game loading, system maps etc) and the lowest fps on ultra/high is 45-50 in a station, frameshift drive or RES..only occasional & still totally playable!

In conclusion, 960 would probably cope ok, but get the 970, its an excellent all round, mid range GPU that will do everything well at 1080.

960 is fine for three monitors, I have two 24inch wide screens and a 50 inch runing fsx it works great. you will have to look up how, I dont have that data in front of me at the moment
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