GTX 960 or R9 280+7950 crossfire?

Anurag dcb

Aug 7, 2013
I cant find a benchmark on that topic. I have to buy the graphic card today since my previous one is broken

What would you choose if you were me?

btw its MSI 960
I would go with the crossfire option, because one 280 is about the same performance wise but with more vram and wider bus then the 960, but when the game supports crossfire you will be in totally different ballpark and blow the single 960 out of the water.
I would go with the crossfire option, because one 280 is about the same performance wise but with more vram and wider bus then the 960, but when the game supports crossfire you will be in totally different ballpark and blow the single 960 out of the water.

I bought gtx 970

I will sell my 7950 on ebay