GTX 960 overclocking please help


Sep 12, 2014
I'm currently overclocking my G1 gaming edition 960, and with +105 on the core clock I get a 1552 MHz boost clock in games but If I go any higher I get instability i.e. crashes every once and a while, but no artifacts. I'm running at the max voltage at 1.25 but my temps are absolutely fantastic barely ever reaching 60c at full load for multiple hours (I have a very aggressive fan curve in place though), and I'm wondering if a BIOS mod that unlocks the voltages would be a good idea or if extra voltage can still hurt my card even if I have good temperatures. I'm also wondering if at this point extra voltage would even have any affect on the stability of my overclock, any help with this would be GREATLY appreciated.
Try putting some more voltage. You can look in techpowerup for bios editors. They make them so you can manually flash and change settings. Don't go over 1.3v though.

Do you think that extra voltage will actually help get my overclock stable though?


I watched some tutorials on BIOS editing but I still don't know if I have the courage to give it a go just yet, I really don't want to brick my card. According to the Gigabyte site the G1 gaming cards have dual BIOS, but there's no physical switch on the card as far as I can tell like some of the evga cards have so I'm not sure how the whole process goes if I were to mess up and have to switch BIOS. Right now I'm more or less stable at an in - game boost clock a little over 1500 MHz which was my original goal anyway, and I guess I'm pretty happy with it but I feel I'll always be tempted to push it that extra 20 - 30 MHz to get up to 1550 XD anyway thanks for the input, I appreciate it.


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