GTX 960 to 970 upgrade worth it?


Jul 30, 2014
4,530 theres the comparison of the two. just wanted some advice if it was worth the upgrade and how much of a performance increase it would yield if so. my current build.

cpu: AMD FX 8320E with a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO heat sink

psu: EVGA 500 W1 80+

RAM: Kingston HyperX FURY 16GB Kit (2x8GB) 1866MHz

mobo: Gigabyte ATX Socket AM3+ AMD 970 Chipset 2000MHz (GA-970A-D3P)

HDD/SSD: 2 1TB WD Blue 5400 RPM/ 1 Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD

GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 Super Clocked ACX 2.0 4GB

i mean right now my current setup provides great performance on most games at medium/high settings on 1080P @60 FPS EXCEPT WoW which the frames dip down to around 25-35 during intense fights(raids)

Also if someone could please analyse my set up a bit and help me figure out if im bottlenecking anywhere? i feel maybe that could be a problem!

Any ETAs on when they release?

NVM i did some more googling and found a post with more info on it. Also you guys see any bottleneck issues with my current set up?

gonna be twice 980ti they say. If this is true. ıt deserves the mone

pretty sure he meant the GPUs not driver

Ops. I am terribly sorry my bad. I meant Pascal GPUs. I was gonna get 970 as well, but I will wait for Pascals and see what they are gonna bring. I might stiill get 970 too. ^^

ya depending on the soonest release date and price ranges im probably just going to wait also thanks for the chat guys! Also if someone could please take a quick look at my build and help me figure out any bottleneck issues that would be greatly appreciated!

Build threads and questions belong here:-

Your CPU is good but old. Probably will bottleneck with 970 and more GPU tree.